The Christian Education Department of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church was created for the promotion and supervision of the Christian training and development of the entire membership of the denomination. Founded in 1887, theChristian Education Department (CED) of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church provides supervision, guidance, direction and programmatic support of the Christian training and nurture of children, youth, young adults and adults throughout the A. M. E. Zion Church. Often described as a “cradle to the grave” ministry, Christian Education supports Christian development in homes, churches, camps as well as church-related schools, colleges and seminaries. The Christian Education Department offers workshops, seminars, conferences and conventions that help develop effective skills in Christian Educators and those striving for a closer walk with the Lord. It also establishes curriculum and other standards to support Christian Education programs at every level of the church. The department is organized into two divisions — the School and College Division and the Home and Church Division. The Home and Church Division includes Varick’s Children; Youth Ministries; Young Adult Ministries; Adult Ministries and Church School Literature. The Church School Editorial Section includes Church School Literature and operates under the auspices of the Home and Church Division of the Christian Education Department (CED).